Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Chiliklaus Box Opening

Antobear's favorite spicy food box sample by Chiliklaus :) -- This episode was the highlight made on my Twitch, if you don't want to miss full Livestreams, please follow me on twitch to see more reviews and full segments of reviews or reactions!

Please excuse the ending, it was a continuation of something else and we are just being silly with each other :) I hope you enjoyed the box opening and check out Chiliklaus at his online store
we have tried the Grill Master Grande kit:
and let me know in the comments what you'd like us to try next!

We love trying random food boxes from all over the world, even if they're not a big hit, as Antobear loves spicy food and I prefer sweets and treats :)

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Popin Cookin DIY Ramen & Gyoza by Kittyxoxo

We made some fun things like this ramen, gyoza, mango pudding, and a little spring roll using this kit, it shows step-by-step instructions and they're pretty easy to follow but sometimes doesn't say if you should use the whole package or not, but we made it work and we had fun doing this :)

Please let us know what else we should test out or what products to try in the comments, and don't forget to LIKE & Subscribe