Thursday, 14 May 2020

HOW TO GET DISCOVERED IN 2020 (And get more views!)

This is what i would recommend for SMALL channels under 1k views to do in order to help them get over that hump of 1k.. and maybe if you follow these tips, please reach back to me to let me know what has worked out for you :)
I have highlighted everything in my video that I hope will be of much help for those who want to start out on Youtube and need a little push towards getting monetized!
From my own experience, I have found that live streaming or being on someone's live stream and getting myself out there, got lots more views and subscribers in return! And I have since continued doing more livestreams and more collabs with others that has gotten me the help I needed.

I will upload a video later with more detail about starting out and why I didn't reach my goal sooner, but for now this is my best advice for New Youtubers and I would love to collab with them if they need help or any advice on what to do to get yourself "out there''.

Please see my secret little tips on how to get most watch time and more views. more views = more watch time = more subs :) Best of all, make friends & help each other!!

**Don't forget to Like this video & Comment down below, say Hi :)