Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Chiliklaus Box Opening

Antobear's favorite spicy food box sample by Chiliklaus :) -- This episode was the highlight made on my Twitch, if you don't want to miss full Livestreams, please follow me on twitch to see more reviews and full segments of reviews or reactions!

Please excuse the ending, it was a continuation of something else and we are just being silly with each other :) I hope you enjoyed the box opening and check out Chiliklaus at his online store
we have tried the Grill Master Grande kit:
and let me know in the comments what you'd like us to try next!

We love trying random food boxes from all over the world, even if they're not a big hit, as Antobear loves spicy food and I prefer sweets and treats :)

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Popin Cookin DIY Ramen & Gyoza by Kittyxoxo

We made some fun things like this ramen, gyoza, mango pudding, and a little spring roll using this kit, it shows step-by-step instructions and they're pretty easy to follow but sometimes doesn't say if you should use the whole package or not, but we made it work and we had fun doing this :)

Please let us know what else we should test out or what products to try in the comments, and don't forget to LIKE & Subscribe

Thursday, 14 May 2020

HOW TO GET DISCOVERED IN 2020 (And get more views!)

This is what i would recommend for SMALL channels under 1k views to do in order to help them get over that hump of 1k.. and maybe if you follow these tips, please reach back to me to let me know what has worked out for you :)
I have highlighted everything in my video that I hope will be of much help for those who want to start out on Youtube and need a little push towards getting monetized!
From my own experience, I have found that live streaming or being on someone's live stream and getting myself out there, got lots more views and subscribers in return! And I have since continued doing more livestreams and more collabs with others that has gotten me the help I needed.

I will upload a video later with more detail about starting out and why I didn't reach my goal sooner, but for now this is my best advice for New Youtubers and I would love to collab with them if they need help or any advice on what to do to get yourself "out there''.

Please see my secret little tips on how to get most watch time and more views. more views = more watch time = more subs :) Best of all, make friends & help each other!!

**Don't forget to Like this video & Comment down below, say Hi :)

Thursday, 23 April 2020

How to make a Youtube Banner painted by Kittyxoxo

I made these two fun Youtube banners and I also added a 500-piece puzzle that I've finished since I was fast-forwarding everything, I figured it'll be good to make it all go fast and enjoy the music along :)
What are you up to during your quarantine? How is everyone doing?

I'm close to reaching 1K and I'm still not quite sure if I believe we got this close already, I'm amazed for all of the support and I'm happy to have made so many cool friends along the way.
If you would like a shoutout please comment and give me some Questions for my up coming Q&A !
#Askmeanything #askme #QandAwithKittyxoxo

Saturday, 11 April 2020

�� Random Kitty Vlogs and a mascot ��

I enjoyed playing with this black kitty and made a new friend. Cats love chasing after certain things and usually I'm pretty good at entertaining kittens as well as myself :)
I have added some updates and some fun things with Antobear and me, we had a pretty good week in Quarantine and this is a little summary of it.
I hope you guys enjoyed it and ya'll are doing ok staying inside.. Please watch out for the things you buy. I have been wiping down the products and washing produce but please DONT use soap on fruits and veggies!!
Don't trust fake news and go with your own instincts, don't be the first to take the bait, some companies just try to upsell products during this time so if you know your stores better, keep track of which one sells the better quality at a cheaper price!

We live in Canada BC and were not on lockdown but were pretty good quarantining and staying inside, working out and keeping busy.
Thanks for watching and Liking my video, feel free to SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more little vlogs !!

Saturday, 4 April 2020

We Followed a Bob Ross Tutuorial

Antobear and I decided to follow a Bob Ross painting to see how hard it actually is to paint a 25 minute tutorial. I've had to pause it several times and it took me about 40-50 minutes to complete due to the size of my small brush... I also used a makeup brush cause I didn't find my brush set. So here it is.. i hope you give it a try and enjoy a paint night!

I had a bit of wine and Antobear did his best, so if you liked this video, please hit the Like button or Subscribe as were close to 1k.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

LootCrate Anime Unboxing 2 | Kittyxoxo

I got a box from my brother and decided to do this fun unboxing with my good friend Rina. We like unboxing and anime things, and we hope you guys had fun watching us and hopefully we can do more in the future :)

go to if you want to sign up for a monthly box

Monday, 9 March 2020

How to cut your bangs/wig (style 2) Kittyxoxo

I hope this is a helpful tutorial, if you need to see the details of how I cut and trim the fringe of the wig to make it wider, slow down the video. I just didn't want to make a boring video but the main thing to remember is a couple important keys:
Don't cut your bangs horizontally through, rather keep your scissors angled vertically and snipping the edges on a diagonal line to trim little by little.
Don't cut too much at first, always use little by little and then see how it looks after a couple adjustments.
Use a comb to check how even it is on both sides.
Layer the hairs closest to the temple area so that they look natural.
Don't use a razor blade for trimming unless you know how softly to cut through, a razor can chop too much hair at once if pressed too hard.
Bangs usually work best on straight hair.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Magnetic Liner ONLY is Beauty Hack by Kittyxoxo

This is my original idea, please if you're going to try this, at least credit me or give me a shoutout, xoxo. Don't throw away your old or non-magnetic lashes, in this DIY, we can reuse them and you don't need that harsh glue or the tiny magnets if you lost your original lashes. No need to worry, I came up with this life hack because I wasn't ready to throw away my regular fake lashes and I thought, maybe I don't need to use harsh glue or do much to it.
The idea came to me from a Dr.Stone anime where they were doing everything from scratch and it helped me think outside of the box, I thought, why doesn't anyone think about just magnets on magnets?
Does this work? I've tested it for a day and here are my results..

Let me know what you think and if you have tried this as I have not come across any videos about this hack before.
If you enjoyed it, let me know in the comments and if this worked for you. Results may vary depending what type of magnetic liner you have and how effective it is ...and also how you apply & wear your lashes.

Please LIKE my video and I will make more beauty-hacks in the future :)
and Thank you to all my subbies and watchers, I really hope this helped.